W2Bill – High Availability Services Integration Platform
w2bill provides a robust suite of interfaces to connect with other systems for seamless integration between the existing infrastructure and our platform.
Designed to scale as the business grows, adhering to the strictest rules surrounding data sovereignty.
w2bill solution provides 99.99% service uptime.
CMAS Systems provides a variety of deployment options to suit the needs of any business.
w2bill solution enables low cost implementation, a faster time to market, and a faster time to revenue.
By providing a robust suite of interfaces that customers and partners can leverage on, the deployment of the w2bill platform on any infrastructure can occur quickly and seamlessly.
In the past few years, the needs and wishes of customers have grown extensively, fueled by technological accomplishments and the evermore present desire to be able to do anything, anywhere, anytime.
This has in turn driven enterprises to come up with ways to satisfy these needs, by continuously engaging their customers with innovative products and offers, whilst being capable of quickly adapting without having to constantly change their infrastructures or platforms to meet the demand.
In order to accomplish every tangible market expectation, companies must be able to change, transform and scale their supporting activities and infrastructures, all for the sake of the customer experience the win-win place at the end of the track. Every aspect or dimension supporting the business model, especially the IT infrastructure needs to be flexible, scalable, agile, efficient and have as little implementation time as possible.
Companies seek adaptability, modularity and the ability to account for future changes.
This proven fact has been creating the need for integration solutions, which can automate and scale performance in their core business support activities, diminishing the huge and lengthily headache of tying all the loose ends together with every innovation and shifting from the core legacy systems to automation and scalability with little time to do it.
w2bill INVOICE
Managing complex billing across any service, over any mean, and from any provider, this solution enables service providers to support complex pricing and consolidate billing processes.
w2bill RATING
Leverage the rating engine to further differentiate and roll out new usage-based services to further complement your offer.
Payment Channels integration and fast implementation. Provide new and optimized digital payment experiences for your customers.
w2bill DUNNING
Control the evolution of debt with proactive and analytical actions to both minimize the financial impact as well as ensure the recovery of due amounts.
w2bill SMART
Manage your device “things” remotely, whether it is a smart meter or any IP enabled device that produces data that can be monetized. Adapted to your crucial success with efficient remote management of the device assets.
The heart of the W2BILL solution.
It is a framework of micro-services targeted at executing flows of tasks across a variety of platforms. Each flow can be fully configured, as well as the task.